Luke 4:9 And he led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here; 10 for it is written, ‘He will command His angels concerning You to guard You,’

The devil was tempting Jesus here to do something crazy (to throw Himself off of a building), so that the angels would have to come save Him. My guess is, the temptation for Jesus was if that He could see angels helping Him then that would validate that He was God's Son - He'd no longer have to just live in faith that He was.  Jesus had performed no miracles yet, and so Satan must have consistently been trying to tempt Him to doubt that He was God's Son (v3), because if the devil could make Jesus doubt in that, then he would get Him to sin.  We must never doubt in the fact that we are God's child and secure in His love.

Jesus rejected this temptation by Satan to compel angels to come and help Him, but then immediately after the temptation what was the first thing that happened? The angels came to help and minister to Him (Matt 4:11)! Jesus was patient and what He could have gotten outside of God's will, with patience and obedience in faith, He received it anyways. Satan is always trying to rush us and make us act in fear and haste, rather than in faith.  It's foolish to try to seek things outside of God's will, when if we're just patient we'd see that God provides them at the right time. For example - God will give us the right job without having to lie on our resume, He will give the right marriage to single people without having to rush or marry outside of His will, He will give wisdom for the right word or course of action without having to rush and speak or act quickly. We just need two things: faith that God will help us because we are His children, and secondly, we need patience in His timing for the provision.

May we be imitators of all those like Jesus who, "by faith and patience have inherited His promises" (Hebrews 6:12)