The A-Z of Pride (Full - 26 minutes)
The A-Z of Pride (Short - 4 minute children's video)
(Click Here to download the corresponding Images)
Special thanks to Brother Satheesh Bennet (Pittsburgh CFC) for creating the associated videos above.
The A-Z of Pride - Printable Single Page Summary
Pride loves ATTENTION and honor from men (Matt 23:5-6). It loves compliments and flattery. The humble fear this since they recognize the temptation to steal God's glory. The humble follow the principle to "Serve God then run away", such as Jesus did when people tried to make Him king (John 6:15). We may not be able to run away from these moments physically, but in our heart we should be running away from all temptations to indulge in proud thoughts and steal the glory of God.
Pride does many good works while secretly hoping someone noticed, being happy at the thought that someone apart from God may be thinking well of us.
Pride is a spirit of BLAME. When something goes wrong, it assumes some other person or situation is at fault, and points the finger (Matt 7:3, Isa 58:9). The proud make excuses when it is their fault, and can easily find reason why their mistake is actually the fault of another.
Pride is COMPARISON. It's one piece of dust saying to another piece of dust "look at how great I am, because I’m a bit bigger than you." (Psalm 103:14, 2 Cor 10:12)
Pride is DISOBEDIENCE to God.
The main characteristic of humility was shown in Jesus' obedience even to the point of death (Php 2:8). Pride is plain and simple disobedience to the Lord in anything.
Pride is ENTITLEMENT, it's feeling that we deserve something from anyone, because of who we are or what we've done. For example: it is unwilling to be frugal in money because it feels entitled to buy what it likes. Or it can be an unwillingness to eat simple food, or take a simple vacation rather than a more luxurious one. Humility is never entitled, but keeps an attitude of unworthiness/undeservedness (Luke 17:10, Luke 5:8). Humility recognizes that all we have comes from God (1 Cor 4:7).
Pride loves to FIGHT (it is contentious, very quick to argue). It sets itself to quarrel as long as it takes, until it wins the argument.
Humility is letting the other person win the argument, and then changing the conversation to something else you can agree on without fighting, like sports or the weather.
Pride GLORIES in past good works it has done.
Pride is revisiting the good works we’ve done in our mind and patting ourselves on the back, taking satisfaction in what we've done "with our own hands" instead of giving God the glory (Daniel 4:30-37).
Pride is very HARSH with other people in words or actions, it's lacking in a critical fruit of the Spirit: gentleness (Gal 5:23). Humility is gentleness (careful not to harm another even in little ways, such as a careless hurtful word or joke about someone).
But pride leads to uncontrolled anger that ends up lashing out in harsh ways at others.
Pride is IMPATIENT. For example, a proud person gets quickly frustrated with a coworker who is slow to respond, with a slow driver on the road, or with a crying child because he feels he deserves much quiet time to himself.
Pride JUSTIFIES itself (Luke 16:15), and JUDGES others, looking down on others in the heart (Matt 7:1). It often joins hands with the accuser (Rev 12:10), focusing on the sins of others, and excusing its own sins.
Pride often gets puffed up with KNOWLEDGE (1 Cor 8:1).
Pride is assuming that we see and understand things more clearly than others.
Pride is having LOFTY thoughts of ourself (Romans 12:3).
Pride assumes we are indispensable in the kingdom of God or at our occupation, for example. Both will get along fine without us after we are gone! I once heard a saying, "The graveyards are filled with indispensable people." So many millions of "important" people in the past have lived and died, but the world kept on going. 1 Peter 1:24-25
Pride is MISERLY. Not only with its money, but with its time. It can often get offended when someone asks a favor of us, as if they have no right to.
This is because it considers my plans and obligations as more important than somebody else's; so it is unwilling to be inconvenienced. For example, pride is fixing lunch for myself if I’m hungry but leaving my kids without food until they get cranky and start asking. Or it's consistently leaving messes for my wife to clean up, without considering her work. Jesus cleaned up even a small linen cloth after He was resurrected (John 20:7). Humility is very considerate of others (Php 2:4).
Pride is being consistently too busy to help my spouse or child with little things. It's is an unwillingness to be interrupted.
Pride is being NOSY. It's being a busybody in other people's matters (2 Thess 3:11) - pride assumes that we deserve to know what's going on in another person's life or that our opinion about it matters.
Pride is very OPINIONATED about many matters outside of the things of God.
Jesus was not very opinionated outside of the things of God. We should hold tightly to God's word, but outside of that it's possible to be very strongly opinionated as well, expressing our strong feelings about such and such matter which has nothing to do with us. Paul said, "I will not boast in anything except for in the cross of Christ" (Gal 6:14). I heard a saying once which blessed me; "The more we grow in Christ the less eager we are to share our own opinions."
Pride is PRESUMPTION: it's the assumption that I know what's going to happen in the future, or holding tightly to my own plans which I for sure will carry out (James 4:14-16) - we should only say "If the Lord wills it." Pride depends on self (and is quite confident in it!), rather than God.
Pride is QUICK to speak, and slow to listen, rather than the other way around (James 1:19).
A proud person loves talking about himself a lot - pride assumes that my life is more interesting than that of another. A proud person often dominates a conversation.
The proud don’t listen very carefully to sermons or when reading Scripture since they feel they are pretty good people already, they may listen or read for knowledge which they can boast about later, but the humble have a keen eye and ear specifically for personal application they can take for themselves since they recognize their need and want to improve in the areas of their need/sin. The ear of need is what Jesus referred to as "ears to hear" (Matt 11:15).
Pride is being very eager to share with others what the Lord has showed us (because we feel clever and want to impress people), but not valuing the other truths that our brothers and sisters have to share. It’s being very interested to speak, but having little interest to listen.
Pride is the ROOT of every sin.
Grace is God's power to keep me from sin (Rom 6:14, 2 Cor 12:9), and God gives grace to the humble (1 Pet 5:5). That means: if I sinned, I didn't get grace because there was pride in me somewhere. At the root of every sin is pride.
Pride refuses SERVING in 'Low' tasks (which we consider 'below' us), either in the home (like washing dishes or doing laundry), or in the workplace, such as some menial task which we consider someone else’s job. Humility is quietly willing to take the low, dirty responsibilities which nobody else wants (John 13:14).
The proud are THANKLESS and ungrateful, since they feel they are quite deserving of the good that comes to them.
The proud may sing praise songs on Sundays but know nothing of thanking the Lord from the depths of their heart in secret, praising Him with a hymn of thanks in their heart when no one else sees, because they do not really believe they are that sinful and needed the Lord's mercy all that much (Luke 7:47).
Pride is UNFORGIVING and UNAPOLOGETIC. Pride stays cold against someone even after they’ve apologized for wrongs against us. And it refuses to acknowledge or apologize for a wrong it has committed.
Pride gets offended when rebuked or corrected (Prov 15:5). In that case, pride defends itself or worse - criticizes the one giving the rebuke.
Pride is VENGEFUL.
In subtle ways pride will hold a grudge, such as keeping a cold shoulder against someone for some time, even if on the outside they say with their mouth "I forgive you." (Romans 12:19)
Pride is WITHOUT SYMPATHY for the suffering of others, and it's full of jealousy for the success of others.
Since it is so self-centered, pride can easily rejoice in its own ease and comfort, even while a brother is deeply mourning. Its attitude is "I'm glad that didn't happen to me." Alternately, it is easily jealous and so it doesn't rejoice when a brother or sister is rejoicing. (Romans 12:15)
Pride is placing EXpectations on others.
We are not God that we should command people what they should do and expect so many things from them. But pride gets angry at others when they don’t do what we want - even toward the Lord Himself.
Pride makes demands from God for selfish reasons that aren’t promised in His Word - James 4:2-3
Pride is very unYIELDING and stubborn. It will not consider or yield to the opinion or desire of another, it will not back down until it gets its way.
Jesus granted the request of even a demon when it asked to be cast into pigs! (Mark 5:12-13)
But the motto of pride is "MY will be done."
Pride is ZEALOUS for one's own honor (Matt 23:6), and self preservation. Pride is thinking only about myself and my family, and unconcern for others outside of that circle. It is void of genuine love and concern for others.